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UncategorizedUNIBEN announces resumption Date, conditions for students

UNIBEN announces resumption Date, conditions for students

8th August 2024


The University of Benin has announced August 11, as resumption date for students following a temporary closure due to student protests and unrest.

The university’s management had in a statement by the institution’s Public Relations Officer, Benedicta Ehanire, on July 4 shut down academic activities indefinitely and ordered the students to vacate their hostels immediately due to students protest over lack of some basic amenities in the campus.

In a circular released on Wednesday, the university’s registrar, Ademola Bobola, announced that students are expected to return to their halls of residence on Sunday, while lectures resume on Monday.

The registrar stated that during the closure, the university management resolved the issues that led to the shutdown, including electricity and water supply, as well as the renovation of the halls of residence

“The decision to reopen the university was made by the Senate at its meetings held on July 23 and 24, 2024, in tandem with the position of the Governing Council, critical stakeholders, and after a review of the current atmosphere in the country.

“As part of the conditions for resumption, each returning student is required to swear an affidavit of undertaking to be of good conduct while at the university.

“The affidavit must contain cardinal points, as captured in the document attached to the circular.

“Students are expected to upload the sworn affidavit on their Kofa page of the university and submit the hard copy to their departmental course adviser within two weeks of resumption,”

The university registrar, warned that non-compliance with the directive could result in the withholding of the results of students who fail to adhere.

The registrar urged students to take note of the resumption date and comply with the conditions to avoid any penalties.”

He assured students that all necessary measures had been taken to address the issues that led to the unrest and closure, expressing confidence that academic activities would resume smoothly.


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